Partnerships and Collaborations

International programs

As a specialist in Robust Industrial Data Communication Westermo does business with a large number of System Integrators around the world. Some of these automation companies have special Partner Programs that Westermo is part of.

Through such partnerships we pre-approve our products for use with the partner equipment to make robust and complete solutions for the end user. Application examples and notes are also made to make it easy for the partner companies to communicate via Westermo equipment.

ABB technology partner 

Westermo collaborates with ABB, one of the world’s leading engineering companies. The purpose of the co-operation is to increase process improvements, reduce operating costs and offer a high standard service in general. The Westermo support team has a wide knowledge in worldwide ABB related applications. For help on setting up your application or information outside the listed applications please contact our technical support team. They can help you with step-by-step guidance to get your automation components to communicate over various media.

Nuri Shakeer

International sales

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