Certified Engineer: Merlin

Welcome to the Certified Merlin course, where you'll delve deep into understanding how the Merlin operates. You'll gain the skills needed to configure and troubleshoot Merlins proficiently. Remote Access forms the core of the Certified Merlin course, starting with basics and ending up qualified to deploy multiple secure devices in the field.

 Certified Engineer, a Westermo Academy course

Course Overview

What do you need to know before attending? Completed and passed the exam for both Introduction: Industrial Networks and Introduction: Merlin
What languages are available? Available in English
What you will learn about
  • How to configure Ethernet and mobile interfaces
  • Discover CWatch and Loopbacks. 
  • Use VLANs, DHCP and DNS 
  • Harden your router with firewalls 
  • Configure secure VPNs with IPsec and OpenVPN
  • Use event system and logging
  • Device management and configuration
What products will you use? Any Merlin device. Requires a compatible console cable
Is there an exam? Yes
Will you receive a certificate? Yes
How long is the certificate valid for? 3 years from completion
Can you complete the exam only? Yes
How will you attend the course? In person
How long does it take? 3 days


Terms and Conditions

What our attendees are saying

Star icon. Star icon. Star icon. Star icon.

"Credit to the Westermo support team for finding a way to not only deliver a technical training course online, but engage the audience throughout."
Liam Geoghegan, Portsmouth Water

Star icon. Star icon. Star icon. Star icon. Star icon.

"It was great, went in depth into the right stuff and constantly checked up on us."
– Kris Motyka, Core Control Solutions

Star icon. Star icon. Star icon. Star icon.

"'Great course content, brilliant instructors and are always happy to help where possible. Highly recommend!"
– Alex Pressland, Actemium Automation (previously Cougar Automation)



Meet your instructors

Hallo, mein Name ist Marcel.

Ich bin einer der technischen Instruktoren in der Schweiz. Als OT Netzwerk Spezialist und Applikations- Ingenieur mit vielen Jahren Erfahrung, darf ich auf etliche interessanten Projekte zurückblicken. 
In unseren praxisnahen Trainings gebe ich dir gerne mein Wissen und meine Erfahrung weiter. Ich freue mich, dich in einem unserer Kurse begrüssen zu dürfen. 

Zögere nicht, mich zu kontaktieren, falls du Fragen betreffend dieses oder eines anderen Kurses hast. Ich bin erreichbar unter academy.ch@westermo.com.

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Nuri Shakeer

International sales

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