Did you know a VPN to the WeConnect IIoT remote access service, only takes seconds to configure?
The ability to remotely access a site for diagnostic, control or data gathering is not new, Westermo has produced industrial modems for more than 20 years. However, due to the expansion of bandwidth and always-on connectivity demands of IIoT, the legacy modems are rapidly being replaced by routers and VPNs (Virtual Private Networks). The VPN is key to delivering a secure and reliable access to remote IIoT automation systems, RTU and IEDs over the Internet. VPNs have a reputation for being complicated and difficult to setup and need specialist knowledge. Deciding on the VPN type to use, obtaining or generating certificates, managing IP address ranges, scaling the system up as more connection are added all take time and resources.
The WeConnect system offers a solution to many of these issues. The easy to use portal means anyone can add a new remote site, no prior IT knowledge is required. Just log into the WeConnect portal, click the “add node” (remote site router) and enter a router name at the prompt, that’s it! No complicated screens or parameters. The WeConnect system will then generate a one-time password. Enter the one-time password on any router from Westermo attached to the Internet and the configuration and unique certificate will be automatically downloaded and installed.
WeConnect ist ein Cloud-basierendes Netzwerk-Tool für einen permanenten Fernzugriff auf Anlagen sowie die Diagnose von Maschinen- und Anlagenzuständen, das sichere Remote-Verbindungen in alle Bereiche des Netzwerks ermöglicht. Starke Verschlüsselungstechniken machen es möglich, via PC, Smartphone oder Tablet auf ein beliebiges Gerät zuzugreifen, und das von überall auf der Welt, was zu erheblichen Zeit- und Kosteneinsparungen führt.
Nuri Shakeer
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