Multigigabit train-to-ground connectivity

Connectivity on trains is today limited in performance, patchy and often lost in tunnels. Trains connected to internet via public cellular networks offer typical Wi-Fi speeds of 15 to 100 Mbps per train, which falls short for streaming videos or other high-bandwidth activities todays passengers expect to be able to do while on a train. Ofcom, The British regulator for communication services, calculated that 2 Gbps per train was needed to efficiently and effectively meet passenger needs, now and in the future.

MMWave, a cutting edge technology addresses these issue by providing:

MMWave, a cutting edge technology addresses these issue by providing:

  • High-speed communications solution for high-speed transportation
  • 3 Gbps aggregate throughput, continuously and at speed
  • Low power consumption of 40W
  • Zero configuration time if implemented as part of the Westermo suite of products

Multigigabit train-to-ground connectivity

How the Multi-Gigabit mmWave solution works:

  • Two-sector radios work together to maintain around 3 Gbps aggregate throughput, continuously and at speed
  • Trackside nodes deployed at 1km intervals
  • Full environmental rail certification to EN50155
  • Utilizes 57-71 GHz licence free frequency range 
  • Mobile Connection Manager for wireless link management
  • Supports all six IEEE 802.11ad channels
  • While the power consumption is significantly reduced compared to mobile 4G or 5G, it can still transmit data up to 100 times quicker than mobile 4G.

The future of high-speed transport

Discover the benefits of cutting-edge mmWave technology

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Westermo provides products and solutions for most networking applications within the rail industry. Our extensive product range and deep understanding of rail applications ensures that we can offer the best solution for your needs.

Mikael Jidenius

Managing Director Westermo Asia

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