Substation Automation

Ethernet networks in substation automation applications

A substation offers perhaps the most demanding environment for electronic products imaginable. The high levels of EMC (Electromagnetic Interference) in combination with the critical data in the network makes data communications in substation automation applications particularly difficult to achieve. Not a single data packet may be lost in the data communication between the various IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Device) and the control system. This places extreme demands on the network switches.

Ethernet Network for Substation Automation

Westermo solution

The RedFox 5700 series has been tested and certified by KEMA Labs in the Netherlands, the world's leading test laboratory for high-power components. Most switch manufacturers on the market choose to certify only certain ports because it is extremely difficult to achieve complete compliance. RedFox from Westermo is one of the few Ethernet switches on the market that has received Kema Labs Gold Certification for IEC 61850-3, Class 2, on all ports.

Even though the environment in substations offers major challenges for Ethernet technology, the industry has nevertheless adopted it as an industry standard. The reasons for this include the simplicity of installing and configuring Ethernet networks and the widespread use of Ethernet in other industries and infrastructure systems. 

Westermo offers additional system simplicity through its 'Made Easy' concept, which makes network configuration and management even easier. The network products are powered by WeOS, the most tested and reliable operating system available. WeOS in combination with the KEMA-certified hardware creates an extremely robust, reliable, and easy-to-use network solution for substation automation.

Key benefits

  • Certified By KEMA Labs to IEC 61850-3, Class 2 environments
  • ‘Made Easy’ concept for easy and trouble-free network configuration and management
  • Highest MTBF on the market
  • Powered by WeOS, the most tested and reliable software available 

Experience next level switching power

The RedFox-5728, Lynx-5612 and Merlin-4600 have been developed for critical substation automation applications, providing resilient operations to your network. Regardless of your application needs, Westermo has got you covered. 

Powered by industry leading software

Explore the benefits of a Westermo Substation Automation network

Our range of highly rugged industrial network devices in combination with the highest quality software solution on the market, our vast experience and industry know-how will guide you to a reliable and trouble-free system for many years, even in the toughest of operational conditions.

Extremely robust products

Westermo products meets or exceeds all test levels for IEC 61850-3 and IEEE 1613 ensuring zero data loss even in the most demanding substation environments and the highest EMI bursts.   

Resilient network solutions

Westermo products are powered by WeOS, a superior software solution with support for an expanding range of protocols and features ensuring cybersecure and resilient operations in substations.

Less time spent

Versatile products and intuitive software tools enable easy and cost efficient installation and maintenance and allows protection engineers to focus on protection schemes, rather than with network configuration.

Strong application support

A dedicated team of professional engineers with cutting-edge expertise in data communication for substation automation ensures you get the industry know-how you need.

Browse our Substation Automation switches


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Energy applications

Westermo provides products and solutions for many networking applications in the power and energy industry. Our range of extremely robust products, intuitive software operating system and configuration tools and deep understanding of energy applications ensures that we can offer the best solution for your needs.

Ray Lock

Network application expert

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