450 MHz spectrum for critical communication

The 450 MHz spectrum delivers extensive coverage over large remote areas, with high availability even in the most challenging environments, all within a secure private network.

Westermo has the expertise and technology to support you every step of the way of your 450 MHz journey.

What 450 MHz offers utilities

450 MHz offers extensive coverage

Extensive coverage

Many utilities have infrastructure spread out over large, remote areas. 450 MHz allows communication to take place across a larger area with fewer cell towers needed.

450 MHz strength is that it can penetrate buildings and obstacles

Access to the inaccessible

Low frequency allows for reliable communication even in challenging environments and hard-to-reach spots, since it can penetrate buildings and obstacles as well as avoid reflections.

The 450 MHz spectrum is an established solution for private LTE networks

Established solution

The 450 MHz spectrum is connected to an ecosystem of vendors, radio access network providers, and supported by standardizations such as 3GPP.

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Carl de Bruin

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