Did you know that too many industrial networks are vulnerable to wide spread cyber attacks?
Not only is it very difficult to get total control of which type of traffic that traverses an industrial network at all times. But it is even more difficult to know when something is about to go wrong which could potentially damage the entire application. Understanding this is absolutely necessary to prevent worms and viruses to spread uncontrollably throughout the network.
Westermo Layer 3 switches provide efficient means of protecting critical assets in an application through network segregation according to the security zone concept of IEC-62443. IEC-62443 is a Cyber Security standard specifically designed for industrial networks. The dynamics of the WeOS firewall allows for easily deployed traffic control out to the very edge of the network. By decentralizing the filtering in this way will cause unwanted traffic to be blocked and detected much earlier than in a centralized filtering scenario. Together with the logging functionality that WeOS provides, crucial notifications of dangerous activities can be forwarded to the control room for immediate action.
Westermo hat eine Reihe von fünf grundlegenden Konzepten entwickelt, die jeder mit einem industriellen Kontrollsystem anwenden kann, um die Sicherheitslage auf nachhaltige Weise zu verbessern.
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