WeOS is a leading-edge industrial network operating system that is being continuously developed whilst being subjected to exhaustive quality testing. It powers the most reliable switches and routers on the market, designed for harsh industrial environments. WeOS has extensive support for network and security protocols that have been made simple to configure and maintain. WeOS along with Westermo’s robust hardware provides the world’s most reliable network solutions.
Register to download the latest version of WeOS 5.
Simple overview of protocol and functionality support.
This comprehensive web guide covers all WeOS 5 functions and products.
Register for the latest version of WeOS 4.
Simple overview of protocol and functionality support.
This comprehensive guide covers all WeOS 4 functions and products.
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Signa upp härWeOS supports a range of layer 2 switching functions that provide resilient, rapid recovering redundant ring Ethernet networks. In addition to these functions WeOS provides additional layer 3 networking functionality including routing, firewalls and VPN remote access.
Network operation with multiple network media failures
Network operation with multiple network media failures.
Fast recovery time and resilience for complex solutions.
Westermo’s software testing strategy is vital in ensuring that Westermo can deliver the best and most reliable software for our products. Our dedicated team is committed to deliver the world’s most robust networks and this ambition is attracting attention from industrial companies and organizations from around the world. Westermo is taking the lead in software quality assurance for industrial network solutions.
Nuri Shakeer
International sales
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