Data communication for level crossing systems

Application drawing of a level crossing system

Robust and cyber secure trackside network with fast failover 

Trackside applications consist of many different systems that move trains safely between destinations. These systems must be able to reliably communicate vital information back to the control rooms. Data communications play a critical role in ensuring the safety, reliability and availability of railway operations. The data communications network must be redundant in order for the trains to operate with high availability. Trackside networks run along the railroad tracks for long distances and rarely have a natural return path over which a ring topology can be closed, therefore Horseshoe Topologies are a perfect fit for these applications. 

  • Robust EN 50121-4 approved products  
  • Fast failover to prevent emergency stops
  • Easy and quick network management

Reducing the risk of unauthorised access to the network, WeConfig enables the simple deployment of system-wide security features, such as firewalls, MAC filters and link alarms. WeConfig also enables manual or periodic backup of all the device configuration files to be easily made and stored. 

Products featured


Lynx 3510-F2G-P8G-LV


Westermo provides products and solutions for most networking applications within the rail industry. Our extensive product range and deep understanding of rail applications ensures that we can offer the best solution for your needs.

Mark Gibbs

Sales, Trains and Trackside

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