Westermo blir ny guldpartner till VSK Bandy

18 Februar, 2025

Vi är glada att meddela att Westermo nu är guldpartner till Västerås stolthet, VSK Bandy. Genom partnerskapet kommer Westermo att stötta bandylagen på dam-, herr- och juniorsidan, samt VSKs fantastiska initiativ Schysst Framtid.


Westermo achieves OpenRoaming Certification

12 Februar, 2025

Westermo Network Technology is now certified by the Wireless Broadband Alliance for OpenRoaming. This certification enables Westermo Wi-Fi access points to leverage OpenRoaming, hence allowing Wi-Fi users to roam seamlessly and securely between different Wi-Fi networks located all over the world where there is an existing partnership.


Why professional services drive the future of industrial data communications

23 Januar, 2025

Westermo UK Managing Director Ian Poulett explains how a mix of customer challenges is driving demand for Westermo professional services.

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