Industrial networking blog


Efficient Power, Reliable Systems: Selecting the right Power Supply for your PoE solution

14 November, 2024

Power supplies are essential components in industrial systems, and without them operations come to a standstill. Selecting the right power supply and understanding your power requirements are critical first steps in system design.


How integrating sustainability into cybersecurity decisions helps you reduce your climate impact

11 November, 2024

The demand for sustainability data on products is growing. We are receiving more and more inquiries from our customers on this topic. It is also an area that is in focus in the EU's regulatory framework with the aim of fulfilling Europe's commitment in the Paris Agreement and the transfer to a circular economy.


Making the Right Choice: Public or Private LTE

07 Oktober, 2024

Choosing between public LTE (4G & 5G) and private LTE (450MHz) depends on specific needs and requirements, with each offering unique opportunities and challenges. Private LTE provides wide coverage, better signal penetration, dedicated network performance, and enhanced cybersecurity, but faces challenges like limited availability and added complexity. Public LTE offers higher speeds, improved capacity, and wider availability, but may suffer from congestion, limited remote coverage, and higher infrastructure costs

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Carl de Bruin

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