Seamless handover train-to-ground connectivity

Westermo train to ground solution

Seamless handover train-to-ground connectivity

With the Westermo wireless product range data communication system (DCS) for railway applications provide data connectivity between the train and the trackside. Westermo solutions supports CBTC and multimedia train-to-ground applications with high availability (24/7) redundant transmissions and continuous link at vehicle speed up to 200km/h.

  • Fully EN 50155 compliant
  • Long lifecycle 
  • High output power

How the solution works:

  • Enables continuous communication between the train and operating center
  • Signal level and distance based handoff decision for better accuracy
  • No data pass-through controllers required
  • Fast failover and backup link recovery 


Westermo fournit des produits et des solutions pour la plupart des applications de mise en réseau dans l'industrie ferroviaire. Notre vaste gamme de produits et notre connaissance approfondie des applications ferroviaires nous permettent de proposer la meilleure solution pour vos besoins.

Carl de Bruin

International sales

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