In the world of factory automation Ethernet has rapidly replaced serial communications as the preferred method for communications. All factory automation equipment like PLCs, HMI, I/O blacks, inverters and drives all now have the standard RJ-45 connection.
By definition the factory floor is a tough environment for communications with high voltages often being switched inducing electrical fields and transients in both the power and signal lines.
Reliability and fault free operation are a prerequisite in this market as a company's entire production can be put at risk if a network should fail. Robust Industrial Data Communications is the solution.
Download this white paper for in-depth information on industrial protocols and Westermo devices compatibility. Modbus/IP, DNP3-IP, 61870-5-104, GOOSE, Profinet, FF-HSE, HART-IP and much more.
Download PDFMikael Lindahl
Network application specialist
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