Collaboration between MDU and Westermo contributes to a sustainable future

Westermo and Mälardalen University (MDU) have collaborated for many years in several research projects and various initiatives such as degree projects and study visits. The parties are now entering into an agreement with the aim of further strengthening cooperation on research and education that contributes to a sustainable region.

Jenny Sjödahl and principle of MDU Martin Hellström
Jenny Sjödahl, CEO of Westermo and Martin Hellström, Vice Chancellor at MDU celebrating the collaboration agreement

To contribute to a sustainable region, Westermo and MDU are gearing up their collaboration through an agreement. The agreement entails a clear structure and development of the collaboration, to ensure a long-term perspective in the selected areas of research, education and lifelong learning. The goal of the collaboration agreement is to jointly strengthen research and education that contributes to a sustainable region. 

“The collaboration agreement itself is an important tool for finding common areas of interest, prioritizing activities, and following up on the work. We want the agreement to contribute to establishing more contact areas and promote more effective contact channels between us," says Erika Olsson, Collaboration Coordinator at MDU. "Together, we contribute to greater societal benefit and that we support each other in strategically important development issues, which generate benefit and value for the region," Erika continues.

Together, Westermo and MDU want to strengthen research and promote innovation in the joint projects. By combining resources and expertise in projects within the collaboration agreement, the parties hope to find ways forward that benefit both and society at large. 

Collaboration between MDU and Westermo contributes to a sustainable future
Delegates from Mälardalen University and Westermo at Westermo HQ in Västerås

In the area of education, MDU and Westermo will together contribute to the transition in MDU's educational offerings, to ensure that the offerings are relevant today and in the future.

"By supporting selected educational programmes, we can give MDU's students better conditions to contribute to the transition society is facing," says Mikaela Näslund, VP Research & Development at Westermo, and continues, "We will, among other things, offer degree projects to the students, but also contribute with expertise and knowledge in the form of project courses, guest lectures and study visits. When we combine theory with practice, we can together strengthen both the students' abilities and the relevance of the education offered"

Lifelong learning is crucial for the long-term creation and maintenance of a sustainable region. As part of the collaboration agreement, Westermo's employees will therefore be able to fill up with new knowledge in relevant areas, and MDU's employees will have the opportunity to take part in new industry knowledge.

"Lifelong learning is about employees being able to keep up to date in areas such as technology development, digitalisation and leadership. We look forward to taking part in MDU's educational offerings, but also ongoing updates from the latest research in several areas," says Elin Sandell, HR Specialist at Westermo.

For further information, please contact:
Mikaela Näslund or Elin Sandell

MDU in brief
MDU is tasked with conducting activities in education, research and collaboration with the surrounding community. The activities are focused on four areas of education; teacher education, technology education, health and welfare education and economics education, as well as six established research specializations. MDU is characterized by close collaboration with companies and the public sector. The goal is to be a progressive and collaborative university that, together with others, shapes a sustainable future.

Nuri Shakeer

International sales

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