Report a vulnerability

Westermo strongly encourage anyone who is experiencing a product security issue to contact the Westermo PSIRT (Product Security Incident Response Team). If you report a security issue, please include a description of the potential vulnerability and contact us via e-mail:

Westermo encourages the encryption of sensitive information that is sent in email messages. The following open source tools can be used to encrypt sensitive information to Westermo using the Westermo PSIRT PGP Key:

Windows, Gpg4win:

Mac OSX, GPGTools:

Key ID: E9E3B9F6

Fingerprint: D219740A08C9511A1D2FDA488B33387BE9E3B9F6

Vulnerability reports are acknowledged within 24 hours. Ongoing status on reported issues will be determined as needed.

PGP key for secure reporting

Nuri Shakeer

International sales

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