SCADA Protocol conversion to IEC 104 for remote connectivity

Legacy communication between new and old systems is critical to maintain maximum uptime as systems grow over time and protocols change. A common stream of data is transmitted or received by the top-end SCADA with protocol conversion. This can only be accomplished by a specially designed router that can act as a leader, conversing with a variety of industrial protocols that act as followers.

The most common protocols to be converted are DNP3, Modbus RTU, Modbus IP, IEC 104, IEC 101, and MMS. SCADA systems are used in industrial settings to communicate with multiple outstations. As the network grows, new systems are added, resulting in incompatibility. A router with protocol converting capabilities, such as the Merlin 4400, eliminates SCADADA's need to communicate with multiple points of presence. This is crucial for interoperability.


A protocol converter adds the advantage of a protocol-based firewall to an industrial system. Increasing cyber-attacks have made network security a top priority in recent years. A protocol converter enables bi-directional conversion, allowing firewall rules to restrict traffic between remote and SCADA. Data requests will only be answered if the request is correct and there is a mapped connection between the protocols. No mapping equals no response. This can naturally secure your network from unknown traffic whilst maintaining vital communication for industrial applications.

Furthermore, a router with protocol conversion capabilities can also be a cost-effective solution to integrate existing assets into one common SCADA system.

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