Wireless Railway Communications

Wireless for onboard and trackside systems

Westermo offer a wide range of robust and reliable network devices for wireless solutions that are specifically designed for meeting the need for data communication within the rail industry. Wireless solutions are particularly useful in train applications because cables can be impractical or not possible to install, such as data communication between two carriages, or between the train and the trackside or station network.

Wireless communication solutions for trains and railway

Westermo offers a complete range of industrial wireless data communication solutions for Train to Ground, Wireless Inter-Carriage Link, Passenger Wi-Fi and Remote Access applications. The Ibex series of WLAN & LTE devices are designed to ensure reliable high-speed data communication even in extreme operational environments.

Découvrez notre gamme d'appareils WLAN compacts

Points d'accès sans fil, clients et bridge. La série Westermo RT comprend les RT-220, RT-310, RT-320, RT-370 et RT-610 complétées par l'antenne ICL-5 inter-consist.


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Nuri Shakeer

International sales

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