La gamme de commutateurs Ethernet industriels Viper a été spécialement conçue pour résister à l'environnement difficile à bord des trains, où les vibrations, les températures extrêmes, l'humidité et les environnements électriques exigeants sont monnaie courante. Ces commutateurs compacts et robustes ont été testés de manière approfondie selon les normes EN 50155 et peuvent offrir une solution complète pour les systèmes de contrôle embarqués, y compris des niveaux de fiabilité améliorés et une conception, une installation et une maintenance simplifiées du réseau.
Commutateur de routage Backbone administrable EN 50155
8 ports 100 Mbps
1 x USB
1 port console RS-232
Commutateur Gigabit Administrable
8 x1 Gbps ports
1 x USB
1 x port de console RS-232
Managed Gigabit Routing Switch
8 x1 Gbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
Managed EN 50155 Backbone Routing Switch
4 x Gbps ports
4 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE administrable - version basse tension
12 x 100 Mbps ports, dont 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x port de console RS-232
EN 50155 Managed PoE Routing Switch
12 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed PoE Switch
12 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
12 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
3 x Gbps ports
9 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE Gbps administrable
3 x Gbps ports
9 x 100 Mbps ports, dont 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
12 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 8 PoE
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps PoE Routing Switch
3 x Gbps ports
9 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur Gbps administrable
5 x Gbps ports
7 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
5 x Gbps ports
7 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE Gbps administrable
5 x ports Gbps, dont 2 PoE
7 x ports 100 Mbps, dont 6 PoE
1 x USB
1 x port de console RS-232
Managed EN 50155 Backbone Routing Switch
8 x Gbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur administrable
20 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x port de console RS-232
Commutateur Administrable EN 50155
12 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x port de console RS-232
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
4 x 1 Gbps ports
16 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 12 PoE
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE administrable - version haute tension
12 x 100 Mbps ports, dont 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x port de console RS-232
EN 50155 Commutateur Gbps administrable
3 x Gbps ports
9 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE Gbps administrable
3 x Gbps ports
9 x 100 Mbps ports, dont 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps PoE Routing Switch
3 x Gbps ports
9 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE Gbps administrable
5 x ports Gbps, dont 2 PoE
7 x ports 100 Mbps, dont 6 PoE
1 x USB
1 x port de console RS-232
EN 50155 Managed Gbps PoE Routing Switch
5 x Gbps ports, whereof 2 PoE
7 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 6 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps PoE Routing Switch
5 x Gbps ports, whereof 2 PoE
7 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 6 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Routing Switch
12 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Routing Switch
20 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE administrable
20 x 100 Mbps ports, dont 8 ports PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed PoE Routing Switch
20 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE administrable
20 x 100 Mbps ports, dont 8 ports PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed PoE Routing Switch
20 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 8 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE administrable
4 x Gbps ports
16 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
4 x Gbps ports
16 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE administrable
4 x Gbps ports, dont 2 ports PoE
16 x 100 Mbps ports, dont 6 ports PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps PoE Routing Switch
4 x Gbps ports, whereof 2 PoE
16 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 6 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps PoE Routing Switch
4 x Gbps ports, whereof 2 PoE
16 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 6 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Commutateur PoE administrable
4 x Gbps ports, dont 2 ports PoE
16 x 100 Mbps ports, dont 6 ports PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps PoE Switch
4 x Gbps ports, whereof 2 PoE
16 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 10 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps PoE Routing Switch
4 x Gbps ports, whereof 2 PoE
16 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 10 PoE
1 x USB
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
3 x 1 Gbps Ports
9 x 1 Mbps ports
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
3 x 1 Gbps ports
9 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 8 PoE
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
5 x 1 Gbps ports
7 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
5 x 1 Gbps ports, whereof 2 PoE
7 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 6 PoE
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
20 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
20 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 8 PoE
1 x USB backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
4 x 1 Gbps ports
16 x 100 Mbps ports
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
4 x 1 Gbps ports, whereof 2 PoE
16 x 100 Mbps ports, whereof 6 PoE
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
Available in layer 2 and layer 3 configurations
8 x 1 Gbps ports
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
EN 50155 Managed Gbps Routing Switch
Available in layer 3 configurations
8 x 1 Mbps ports
2 Bypass relays
1 x USB Backup and restore port
1 x RS-232 console port
Carl de Bruin
International sales
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